Exhibitor Profile

  • Aggregate Equipment / Asphalt Equipment
  • Attachments / Compactors / Block Making Machines
  • Components / Accessories
  • Compressors / Generators / Tower Lights
  • Concrete Making Equipment, Construction Equipment & Crushers
  • Drill & Power Tools
  • Earth Moving Equipments
  • Electronics / Controls / Instrumentation

  • Hydraulics and Pneumatics
  • Information Technology
  • Material Handling Equipment
  • Piling Equipment, Publications, Pumps, Rollers
  • Road Making & Marking equipments
  • Service Leasing, Financing & Equipment Rentals

Exhibitor Profile Second Hand Equipment: Companies dealing with the second hand equipment as their main business are not invited to participate at ConMac 2024 Bangladesh. Companies, who have second hand equipment selling as one of their business, should not display / promote the same.

* This list is Illustrative.